Tips For Small Gym Owners To Reduce Electricity Costs

With the cost of electricity rising, small gym owners need to find ways to reduce their energy costs. This doesn’t mean you have to live on beans and rice; it just means setting a few small goals for yourself. Here are some of our favorite tips:

1. Develop a Timetable

The first step to reducing your electricity costs is to develop a timetable for when you will be using electricity. You can create a schedule based on:

  • Off-Peak Hours: These are the hours when demand for electricity is low, and prices are lower, so this is the best time to charge your batteries.
  • On-Peak Hours: These are the hours when demand for electricity is high, so they tend to have higher prices than off-peak hours. Try not to use too much energy during these times unless absolutely necessary.
  • Peak Hours: Be sure not to charge anything during peak hours because it will cost more!

2. Fix Your Lighting

The second and most obvious way to reduce your electricity bill is to fix your lighting. This is a simple task that can be completed in just a few hours.

  • Replace bulbs with LED bulbs
  • Switch to motion sensors
  • Use timers
  • Use dimmers (if applicable)

You should also try using natural light when possible, as this will give you the biggest savings for little effort on your part.

3. Change Your Air-Conditioning System

A programmable thermostat can be a great way to help reduce the amount of energy your air-conditioning system uses. You can set it to turn off for a certain period of time when you’re not using the gym and then turn it back on at a specific time. This will ensure that your air conditioning won’t run when you don’t need it.

If this option isn’t feasible or if your current thermostat isn’t programmable, consider installing an energy-efficient air-conditioning system. These systems use less electricity than older units because they’re better insulated and more efficient in transferring heat throughout the building. Some states offer rebates for these upgrades through their public utility companies—find out if yours does.

4. Optimize Your Heating Systems

Check your heating systems. If you have any electric heaters, make sure they’re working properly and that there aren’t drafts around the doors or windows. If your gym has a steam room or sauna, check for leaks in the pipes and radiators and repair them if necessary.

If you don’t have a programmable thermostat (highly recommended), set your thermostat to 68 degrees or higher during off-peak hours when no one is using the gym so that when people come in later, it doesn’t feel too cold for them to exercise.

5. Educate Your Staff and Clients

You should educate your staff, clients, and the public in general about how to conserve electricity.

  • Provide information on energy efficiency and conservation through pamphlets, brochures, and websites that explain why it’s important
  • Offer tips on how to reduce electricity usage at home or during training sessions
  • Educate people about the benefits of using LED lights instead of traditional lighting
  • Offer discounts for people who purchase energy-efficient products such as appliances or electronics

6. Invest in Energy-Efficient Equipment

It’s important to find out if you can reduce your electricity costs by upgrading your equipment. You may be surprised at the savings available, so it’s worth getting an energy efficiency adviser involved to help you identify opportunities to save money.

Ask your supplier for advice about more efficient options too, as they’ll have access to all the latest models and know what will work best for your gym environment. And if you do decide that it makes sense to upgrade, don’t forget that there are benefits beyond reduced electricity bills. For example, investing in new equipment could mean extra space is freed up elsewhere within your building or better customer service through faster turnaround times or improved equipment maintenance.

7. Monitor Your Electricity Usage

One of the best ways to save money on electricity is by monitoring your usage. This can be done with a smart meter, which is a device that records how much electricity you use at any given time. If you don’t have one already and want to install one, it’s easy enough—sign up for an energy-usage plan with your utility company, then they’ll send out a technician who will hook up the meter and make sure everything works right.

8. Circulate the Air

As a small gym owner, you will want to do everything possible to improve the air circulation in your facility. This is especially important if it is a hot, humid day outside.

People sweat, producing moisture that can cause mold and mildew to grow on gym equipment such as mats and heavy bags. If the air doesn’t move around enough in your facility, this moisture will remain on the equipment rather than evaporate into the atmosphere where it belongs.

9. Insulate Your Building

Insulation is the key to saving energy—and money. If you’ve got an older building, it probably doesn’t have much insulation in the walls or ceiling. Adding insulation can help keep your building warm in winter and summer, reducing heating and cooling costs by about 30%. It also helps reduce air conditioning costs by keeping noise pollution out of your gym and equipment running smoothly, making people less likely to complain about it being too loud!

You can seek help from experts at companies like Business Energy Comparison to get the best electricity rates in your area for your business.